Abhilash Ram
Abhilash Ram manages International Student Recruitment at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.
“I am among other things an engineer, communicator, international marketer, nerd, ambivert, rationalist, humanist, idealist, realist, futurist, early adopter, philosopher, story-teller, runner, voracious eater of Ben & Jerrys Half-baked, red-eyed watcher of anime and because I have to to stop this bio somewhere embarrassing - a shedder of tears. I am an Indian by birth; Swedish by nationality; confused by the Swedish fika culture; cannot keep my hands off cinnamon rolls and capable of talking nonstop if allowed. I believe that trust, honesty, respect and justice are values every brand must embody and empathy is the paper that they should be wrapped in.”
Abhilash will co-present the following conference session:
Rebranding: Collaboration and Co-creation – The Swedish Way